We at Roha always had a dream, and that dream was to fulfill the dreams of every Indian who needs a home. So, in the year 2017, this dream saw fruition in the form of Roha Housing Finance.

Your dreams of a life to be filled with growth have fuelled our labour. We want to make those dreams a reality and we know that it all starts with owning your own home. The fruit of our labour is that now you simply don’t have to go through many hurdles as once you had to. What we realized is that to become a true enabler of your growth, we had to make getting a loan for your home easier, transparent, and the experience much smoother. We do so by ensuring honesty in every dealing and by ensuring all disclosures are upfront with respect to documentation and fees & charges.

Thus making sure every customer gets the best home buying experience that is hassle free and more convenient in the long run.


To help people through timely financial partnerships, so that they can achieve the milestones of their life.


To offer people financial solutions through fast service, backed by simple processes and transparent and honest dealings.

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